Meet the Team
Who we are

Guido Domenico De Santis


I’m Guido Domenico De Santis, I’m 17 th years old and I live in a small village near Avellino, South of Italy. I’m a rising senior at Scientific Public High school. I love travel, meet other people from all around the world, other cultures. During Pandemic COVID 19, first lockdown, I organized on line chess tournaments together friends for socializing. So I met new people, I had new friends in other places around and many others wanted learn chess. I taught chess also to guys with dyslexia and disadvantaged. All loved thinking, studying opponent and develop their own strategy. I commuted my passion in something useful to a community…Everybody has to maximize his potential by respecting the rules.
Chess is a freedom’s celebration where freedom of others begins!


Fabio Jorge


My name is Fabio Jorge and I am the Latin America Chapter Leader here at Project CHESS. Originally from Cuba, I now live in the United States, and currently go to high school here. Going around my school, I noticed that many people are getting into chess, so I decided to start a small chess club. I’ve taught many new players how to play, and watched them have fun while playing the world’s most popular game. I hope to spread this feeling to those who need it, especially in a time like this.


Elizabeth Volynets


Elizabeth Volynets is a high school senior residing in Long Island, New York. Her love for chess began when she was just a child. Elizabeth learned chess from her grandpa, who was a professional chess player in the Soviet Union. Elizabeth has been playing chess since childhood and has taught many of her friends how to play. She continues to play with her father and friends, noting one of her proudest life moments as the first time she was able to beat her father. She volunteered for Project Chess to combine her love for playing chess with her passion for helping others.